The use of RFU Activate warm-up and cool down procedures Training sessions to be planned so as to not overload muscle groups Specialist coaches to deliver specific session demonstrating correct techniques and education.Correct footwear – see below Medical provision in attendance.
How can these risks be further reduced or managed?
Receive more formal training – England Rugby Refereeing and Coaching awards, First Aid certificates etc CPD on RFU Activate warm-up protocol Boys to be encouraged to undertake strength and conditioning programmes – especially during the ‘off season’ .
All external coaches encouraged to attend coaching/refereeing courses and briefed by Head coach at start of camp and encouraged to seek help from professional coaches if unsure of any aspects of coaching – especially scrummaging and tackling Priority of coaches when both coaching & refereeing to promote the safety of the players Boys are arranged into groups by age Players are taught contact skills of the game in a gradual and progressive way and where possible against others of a similar size and physique Adults do not compete alongside pupils in contact situations RFU laws on the engagement of a scrum should be used on the scrum machine, in practices and matches – ‘crouch, bind, set’. Minimal contact takes place on the camps.
How can these risks be further reduced or managed?
Encourage coaches to receive more formal training – England Rugby Refereeing and Coaching awards, First Aid certificates etc Boys to be encouraged to undertake strength and conditioning programmes – especially during the ‘off season’ Head Coach to advise coaches on suitability of pitches during the camps. Extra care to be taken when pitches are hard, dependent on camp date.
Area of Risk
Potential risk posed by not using or incorrect protective/specialist clothing/footwear?
Is any protective/specialist clothing or footwear recommended/insisted upon by your sport’s Governing Bodies?
Safety studs – compulsory Mouth guards – insisted upon by the coach for any contact drills.Protective Headwear/shoulder pads – optional.
How is this enforced?
Information pack sent to all parents before the camp notifying of what to bring Coaches to check all children before any contact drills.
What other precautions do you/should you take regarding clothing/footwear?
Boots to be in good condition & laces tied Only World Rugby marked headgear and shoulder pads may be worn, coaches check for the correct label.
What other precautions do you/should you take regarding equipment?
An adequate first aid kit is available All tackle bags/pads in a good, safe condition.
Area of Risk
What is the potential risk posed by faulty Equipment?
Is any Equipment recommended/insisted upon by your Sport’s Governing Bodies?
Rugby posts – are padded at the base Corner flags – are flexible, smooth and rounded at the tops Equipment is purchased from recognised suppliers and where necessary will meet British or European standards.
How and when is it checked? By whom?
Equipment is visually checked before and during its use for physical integrity – Coaches
What other precautions do you/should you take regarding equipment?
An adequate first aid kit is readily available Check that all tackle bags/pads are in a good and safe condition.
Area of Risk
What is the potential risk posedby faulty Environment?
Pitches, weights room, cardio room, swimming pool.
How and when are the environment monitored?
Signs are posted on outdoor areas warning dog keepers not to exercise dogs on play areas Outdoor pitches are checked for broken glass or other dangerous objects, dog faeces, syringe needles etc. before play begins The playing areas are large enough for the activity to take place safely without overcrowding Where more than one game is being played at the same time adequate space is allowed between the playing areas.
How and when is it checked? By whom?
Regularly by coaches Grounds staff of school.
What other precautions do you/should you take regarding environment?
Coaches to avoid training in the same area which can reduce grass coverage.
Area of Risk
Overexertion Problems
Fainting, nausea, extreme fatigue.
How are these risks being reduced/managed?
Children refuel sensibly. Eat well 60 – 90 mins before exercising. Keep hydrated before, during and after training.Training to be planned so endurance sessions are increased sensibly The use of breaks in training sessions to refuel and hydrateMedical provision in attendance.
How can these risks be further reduced or managed?
Regularly ask kids how they are feeling & plan sessions to prevent overexertion.
Safety is the overriding consideration in what we do, and we will be uncompromising in this regard. We will diligently follow government and the RFU advice and guidance.
*It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian not to bring any child to the camp that has or shows symptoms of COVID*
Our controls will be rigorous and will focus on;
minimising contact with individuals wherever possible
cleaning hands thoroughly, more often than usual with provided antibacterial solution
enhanced cleaning of equipment
maintain social distancing wherever possible
Area of Risk
Indoor facilities
Changing rooms, unclean toilets, indoor areas.
How are these risks being reduced/managed?
No more than 8 children in any one changing room, each 2m apart. staggering of breaks so that volume of children is reduced indoors a clear exit and entry sign into facility minimal time in the changing roomslimiting the number of children in the toilets at any one timeto provide sufficient rubbish bins for hand towels with regular removal and disposalenhance the cleaning toilets, particularly door handles, locks and the toilet flushno communal areas.
How and when is this checked?
Coaches to monitor frequently after every break where the children may have used the facilities.
Area of Risk
Training sessions
Equipment, attendees.
How are these risks being reduced/managed?
R360 coaches will maintain social distancing where possiblewe will not be doing any contact/tackling during the campsall balls, bags, pads, cones, poles will be washed with antibacterial solution after each training session training to be planned so minimal amount of equipment is usedchildren to clean hands after every session with provided hand solution or hand wash facilitiescoaches will stay within 2m of children unless needed.
What other areas should you consider about the training sessions?
The ability for children to forget certain rules due to the activity taking placeweather conditions and the ability to train.
Area of Risk
Equipment, facilities
How are these risks being reduced/managed?
R360 coaches will enhance protocols for cleaning particularly in communal areas and equipment. All equipment will be washed with antibacterial solution after each training session training to be planned so minimal amount of equipment is used. Children to clean hands after every session with provided hand solution or hand wash facilities. Windows and doors will be kept open where necessary to allow for adequate ventilation. Coaches will spray down surfaces that will be used by the children in all areas where children have been.
How can these risks be further reduced or managed?
Regularly making sure children have washed hands.
Area of Risk
Working closely to others
During training sessions, breaks and talks.
How are these risks being reduced/managed?
social distancing to be enforced where and when possible, both coaches and childrento stay outdoors as much as possibleavoiding any contact in sessionslimit the number of external speakers, if at all, on the camp.
How can these risks be further reduced or managed?
Coaches to monitor and enforce as per government guidelines.
Area of Risk
Eating and drinking
Unclean facilities, surfaces
How are these risks being reduced/managed?
School kitchen is closed and will not preparing foodall attendees to bring a pre-prepared packed lunch from home to eat outside when possible, weather permitting. Social distancing and hygiene measures implemented if inside due to weather. Hand sanitiser placed around the facilities to be used before and after breaks. All rubbish to be cleared away, not leaving for others to doKeeping 2 metres apart when eating